Similar to great lakes: Paid 230 million Great Lakes has many advantages over this. This site has what the data centers sell and lease for. Back years lots of data. Many reports on size and sales price in 2017 the ones I had printed sf was $100 to $1,000: This company probably would be extremely excited to get tenants. Yesterday came up with maybe very feasible to get one company to lease and get assistance for loans to convert to data center. Then that would leave 90-95% of building to lease at much higher rates after the first sets up successfully. Lots easier to sell after set up and only adding to. And companys want a fast setup. Was previously thinking only possible to sell to one party and due to such a big project. But doesn't have to start as 100 thousand plus square foot datacenter after all almost all business grow over time. Talking to you gives me a slight understanding of how to get projects going.